São Paulo
Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1755 - 2º andar
Jardim Paulistano - 01452-001 - São Paulo, SP
Tel.: + 55 11 3136-0802 | asgv@asgv.com.br

Social Security Law

Seeking to assist its clients in the implementation of social security legislation with a focus on court decisions, ASGV Advogados provides consultancy on issues related to the employers’ contributions of INSS (National Institute of Social Security), the interpretation and application of social security legislation, the administrative and judicial litigation in defense of unauthorized charges or to discuss the legality of pension laws.

At the administrative level, could be highlighted, among others, the performance with the Department of Safety at Work and the personnel department for the reversion on cases in which the social security agency, improperly, recognizes the existence of sickness or accident at work.

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