São Paulo
Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1755 - 2º andar
Jardim Paulistano - 01452-001 - São Paulo, SP
Tel.: + 55 11 3136-0802 | asgv@asgv.com.br
ASGV has as the main founding principles of its activities the constant work with its clients just as well as finding innovative and specific solutions, with legal security and efficiency.
The global comprehension of legal and economic issues and legal expertise combined with the personal experience of the professionals, which are prepared to handle issues that transcend the field of law, as well as the maintenance of a relationship in the private and public sectors of the economy, enable ASGV Advogados to achieve effective results to the challenges presented by its clients.
Furthermore, the work of ASGV Advogados is led by the commitment to the ethical principles that guide the quality of human relations and the duty of contributing to the development and enhancement of institutions in the country.
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